Indian cricket team legend Yuvraj Singh's father Yograj made a huge U-turn over his stand on MS Dhoni. In the past, Yograj has brutally criticised Dhoni for cutting his son's career short and even took massive digs at the former India captain. During a recent interview, Yograj lauded Dhoni for his fearless attitude on the pitch and even pointed out how much he has helped youngsters. While he has been always quite critical of Dhoni, he softened his tone and praised his intelligence on the playing field.
“I find Dhoni as a very motivated captain, who can tell people what to do. The best thing about Dhoni was that he could read the wicket can tell bowlers where to bowl,” Yograj Singh said on 'Unfiltered by Samdish', a YouTube show.
“What I liked the most about him was that he was a fearless men. If you remember in Australia, he was hit on the grill my Mitchell Johnson and he didn't moved a bit, he stood there and next ball he pulled him for a six. Aise log kaafi kam hote hai (There are very few people like him),” he added.
Meanwhile, Virat Kohli and Rohit Sharma have borne a majority of the brunt for India's 1-3 defeat in the recently-concluded 2024/25 Border Gavaskar Trophy series in Australia. However, former South African great Jonty Rhodes has backed the duo, claiming that India's two series victory in Australia have resulted in the fans forgetting the conditions are tough in Down Under.
"Everybody's entitled to their opinion. Cricket is that kind of game and I think the cricket players themselves in this day and age, there is no escape from the public, whether it's fans who love them or fans who are criticizing them with social media, journalism these days. Everybody seems to be a cricketing expert and players learn to live with that.
“Touring Australia is really tough. And I think maybe the Indian fans have forgotten that because India have been so successful in the past in their last two tours to Australia. But it wasn't easy. You know, some great performances by the team almost resurrected the previous tours. And it didn't quite happen this time around so to lay the blame at the feet of two people is harsh,” Rhodes told IANS.
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